Why You Feel the Senior Aging Parents Remain At Risk At Home

elderly home care service Bloomfield CT

Most older adults don't need much help from others. But the more senior people eventually do need some care, especially if they live into their 80s, 90s, or beyond. If you are taking care of an elderly parent or acting as a senior caregiver, you should provide the best support. There is a higher risk of illness due to age or long-term health problems in older adults. Also, older adults with underlying health conditions are prone to a greater risk of infection. It's vital to take remedial action like hiring a reliable elderly care service or senior home care in Bloomfield, CT, at the right time. Elderly parents' home care in Hartford, CT, will reduce the risk of getting sick or any other health ailment at home. Some situations that make you feel that the elderly aging parents remain at risk at home are:

  • elderly aging parents starting to develop dementia, such as Alzheimer's or conditions alike
  • Chronic illnesses that limit daily lifestyle function
  • Frequent hospitalizations due to heart failure, chronic pulmonary disease, or neurological issues
  • Sudden disability after a falling down, or stroke, or other health emergencies
  • Striving to recover after a major operation, or hospitalization, or other complications
  • Existence of general weakness and loss of physical strength.
  • Development of dementia.
  • experience vision changes due to eye disease such as glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration or another alignment that limits vision
  • Difficulties due to lower body weakness increase the risk of falling.
  • Change in a walking manner and balance due to aging and Parkinson happens
  • Loss of density or thinning of bone tissue due to Osteoporosis increases the risk of hip fractures while falling.
  • Excess or wrong medication has side effects that increase drowsiness or affect balance.

Understanding how these conditions affect your loved one's mobility and wellbeing are always crucial. Executing necessary measures and adding a professional elderly care service or senior home care in Bloomfield, CT, at the right time, can be an ideal way to help them remain more independent. They will undoubtedly improve your aging parents' quality of life and make them stay safe and secure.

Factors contributing to the risk and hazards for seniors at home

For any older adult, the home remains the safest place in the world. Still, it can have a lot of hidden risks. The living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and hallways are the places that bring threat to older adults wellbeing. The professional elderly care service or senior home care in Bloomfield, CT, know the things very well. They advise wisely and take the necessary steps to keep your older parents away from such hazards or incidents. Their suggestions to make any home safer for senior aging parents.

Most Read: Identify The Signs When Your Older Or Aging Parent Needs More Care & Support?
  • Declutter the home by removing old newspapers, boxes and covering all electrical cords on the floor.
  • Move any low-standing furniture, coffee tables, or plant stands from high traffic areas in the home.
  • Check & remove thresholds and flatten any raised areas. Make steps into the home or another room with ramps or chair-lifts.
  • Fix the rugs with double-sided tape or remove them altogether.
  • Add a non-slip mat to the bathtubs or shower to prevent slipping.
  • Add a bath seat that also allows seniors to sit down while showering.

You can trust Excel Care to keep their loved ones independent at home and reduce fall hazards. Contact them today at (860) 874-8970 to schedule a free care consultation and learn more about how their elderly care service or senior home care can support your loved one's safety and quality of life as they age in place.

Source from: https://healthcareforelderly.wordpress.com/


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